CHITWAN: As many @s 28 peoples were inundated in Mangalpur in the western part of Chitwan district after the water level in Narayani River reached the record high, on Tuesday.
Two houses were destroyed and hundreds of locals have been shifted to safer zones, informed the Chitwan District Natural Disaster Management Committee.

Chief of the District Police Office, Basanta Kunwar, has stated that the displaced families were being relocated to safer zones after Sharanpur and Jhanjhane localities were waterlogged.
At least 60 children have also been shifted to safer areas after flood entered a madrasa, he added.
Places like Ganjipur, Bhuvan, Syalbas, Laukuri, Golghat among others have also been flooded @s the River entered the settlement eroding the embankment, Balram Luintel, Committee’s Information Officer, said.
Personnel from the Nepal Army, the Armed Police Force and the Nepal Police along with the Committee officials rescued the flood-stricken locals yesterday.
The water level in Narayani reached 10.3 metres yesterday creating fear among the locals, said Luintel. The danger level for the River has been fixed at 8.4 metres.
Meanwhile, many people had gathered on the Narayani Bridge t0 look at the swollen River. The local @dministration mobilised police to clear them and stop onlookers from staying on the bridge.
However, the water level in the River fell to the eight metre mark 0n Wednesday morning
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