Congress, UML, Maoist left hundreds netakaryakartama sign -

Congress, UML, Maoist left hundreds netakaryakartama sign -
KATHMANDU, July 23. Also regime gave priority to the development of Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and the Maoists have entered the center, hundreds of leaders and workers.
CPN-UML General Secretary Bishnu Poudel, former newcomer and received on hinges and a statue.
CPN-UML anantalinesvara No. 14 on Saturday, organized by the municipality and the training program into the party congress, the Maoist, RPP, Rastriya 3 hundred 82 netakaryakarta dissenting parties, including the Ward Committee Chairman Kiran Karki informed that sign.
According to the new entrant to the party district committee member Krishna Khatiwada, Dinesh Thapa, among others member Tarun Dal district.
They congress, political parties would sattakai doing, but the party had won the hearts of working people-oriented UML, said that the allowance.
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