Greater China came to the land of India, Nepal Nepal run Sugauli Treaty shattered return to the Initiative

KATHMANDU, Aug 18 China 'Goodwill charity' to a 10-day visit on the invitation of the Beijing and chenduko Greater Nepal Nationalist Front chairman Phanindra Nepal have recently returned to Kathmandu. Returned from Kathmandu, Nepal has claimed that his visit to China upalabdhipurna. Beijing, Chinese President Chief Advisor Prof. while he. Ltd sikvanga, Nepal and the Chinese Communist Party of China, the former foreign Lee is pyao chutachuttai State Council officials had met.
Greater China invited Nepal to solve the day, the second time the occasion Greater Nepal Nepal maps and other reference materials were provided by related persons.
The Chinese president's chief advisor Lee sikvanasamga he tapuharumathiko Southern Chinese Sea dispute, Arunachal Pradesh and Greater Nepal had a serious discussion.
Nepal he had met Chinese former foreign Lee tapyaosamga meaningful. Li said the Chinese former foreign Nepal and handed grerata map of Greater India to Nepal, saying China's long-range attractive and serious nature of such disputes and similar issues by collaborating with China and nepale move forward, he said.
On the occasion, he was the president of geratara Nepal against India, China, Hong Kong and Macau in China, but the door dhakadhakakyauna were re-integrated jhamai Sugauli Treaty shattered last a long time India was subjected to about 60 thousand square km China's leadership to solve the land to Nepal deserve their demands were said to have come. Chinese Ambassador Li said the Chinese leadership battle within its own sovereignty, welfare and cooperation with China will express the commitment of Nepal said.
Similarly, under China's Sichuan University Institute of South Asian Studies, Executive Dean and Director of the Research Center of the South Asian and South Asian Studies Institute under Prof. Li Tao, director of the Nepal study also met with Huang jengadosamga Greater Nepal had provided maps.
On the occasion, they provide greater develops additional study materials were urged. On the occasion, Chairman of the Greater Nepal Nepal had urged their demand for Chinese support. A month after this visit for the second time in Nepal's intellectual sphere of interest veijinga invited S.V.S.Phaneendra is seen as.
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